A friend of mine did me wrong so I've been trying to forget her but can't. Should I text her to see how she's doing or keep trying to forget?


3 Answers

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

You don't need to 'forget' her .. You need to 'remember' her .. And the fact that she is simply not trust 'worthy' .. And let that be a lesson to you about how to to about deeming someone as a 'friend'.

What you need to remember is the lesson learned here .. That she is not 'your friend' until she proves herself to be repentant for what she has done, and reinstills faith that you can trust her in the future.

If she was that concerned about losing your friendship you would have heard from her LONG before now, begging for forgiveness and another chance to redeem herself.  My guess is .. Your friendship is water under the bridge.

You may be HER friend, but she is not yours.

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Unique Hold
Unique Hold commented
The think is she did apologize saying she's sorry she asked so many times and that she really wants to be my friend and promised she won't ask again but I didn't believe her. Now that 2 weeks has gone by and I didn't hear from her I'm starting to reconsider
Bikergirl Anonymous
Well then .. if you think she is worth a 2nd chance .. then call her, and talk to her.
Unique Hold
Unique Hold commented
Ok, she also said she wants to get closer to me, friendship wise. Any idea what that means?
Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

Relationships are habituating.

So they don't always end with a clean break.

From your standpoint you are dealing with a loss of someone who wronged you, but that you obviously cared about.

Proceed however you feel comfortable---reaching out to her may help you grieve what you have lost.

AnnNettie Paradise Profile

Everyone makes mistakes. So it’s only to be expected that sooner or later a friend will do or say something that hurts you. To be honest, you may recall a few times when you have hurt others. Usually a rift that’s caused by a minor misunderstanding can be cleared up with a brief conversation.

If you feel that you cannot simply dismiss the matter? In that case it might be best to approach your friend. But be careful not to do so when you’re angry. So wait until you’ve cooled down before you attempt to resolve the situation.

If it is your goal is to settle matters and restore the friendship, speak from the heart. You could say, “We’ve been friends for some time. Can we talk about what happened?” Even if your friend is unresponsive, you can find comfort in the fact that you have tried to restore peace.

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