
Is it weird to hate your boyfriend's family?


2 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

I don't think it's weird but it sure isn't going to help your relationship. Besides, hate is a strong word and something you shouldn't do. It's not good for you. Try to work it out and you'll feel a lot better and just might keep your boyfriend longer as sooner or later, this will interfere.

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

It's weird to 'hate' anyone ,,, but, it's not unheard of to dislike a boy/girlriends family .. Some people are just simply 'unlikeable' because they are so controlling and bullheaded and some families are hard deal with only because they are concerned for their loved one.

It's not easy to fit in sometimes, as an outsider (so to speak), but it is your duty to at least make an effort to keep the peace and provide  family with evidence that you are not the 'enemy'.

.. And then of course, you also have to consider that perhaps the reason they are so hard to get along with is because the boyfriend/girlfriend has become a bad influence .. And that believe it or not could plausibly be unintentional. Sometimes, people can become so distracted by a girlfriend/boyfriend that they pull away from typical family bonds and/or their typical responsibilities . It is in fact quite common for a person (after entering into a relationship) start to misbehave out of character or neglect their school work (for example) and grades start to fall, typical expectations are not being fulfilled. Unfortunately it's the distraction (the relationship) that takes the brunt end of the blame. 

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