Bf spending time with his son on My Bday. I accepted that. Want to go to a party with friends and now he is mad I don't get it now. What to do?


4 Answers

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

You talk to him. It is your birthday and you should be able to celebrate it. If he can't join you and your friends he shouldn't be grudge you doing so. As long as your friends are good people. You should mention that you are going to miss him being there, and suggest maybe you do something together either the day before or after.

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

It sounds like you guys have trouble communicating your needs / wants with each other, in addition to setting boundaries. You can be disappointed that he will be with his son for your birthday; on the other hand, he can be disappointed that you want to do something fun with your friends.

If you guys cannot communicate these little things and learn how to work through them, when you come across something major, you guys are really going to have problems.

Think of how you want to approach the conversation and then what you want out of it. Compromise could be the key. Good luck.

SuperFly Original Profile

Its your B-day today?

Sharron Prestcott Profile

You don't let this man control you that's what you do.  He's doing what he wants and has no reason to expect you to sit home on your birthday. 

Just wondering why he is spending that particular day with his son, doesn't he see his son regularly?  He could easily work around the date of your birthday.

This man sounds immature and controlling you need to run not walk away from him or you'll spend your life having him control what you do.

Happy birthday!  Go out and have a wonderful time with your friends and tell your boyfriend he's NOT going to tell you how to spend your time.

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Ra Angle Pink
Ra Angle Pink commented
Well he dont get to see him like that he was supposed to get him last week but didn't and he look so sad. And he wanted to get him on my Bday. I was disappointed at first but I was like that fine I will just go to a party with my friends. He didn't really like the idea of me going to a party were lots of dude will be around. And thank you :-). ! I thought he was acting selfish as well. And you would think I would be selfish but I'm not tripping about him spend that time with his son. It just hurts that wants I accepted that he will be spending time with his son on my bday. And I try to find another way to celebrate and he gets mad ..
Sharron Prestcott
You have to ask yourself at this point if you want to stay in a relationship with a man who you acknowledge is selfish? Is there any reason he couldn't bring his son for a short visit with you so that he could see you on your birthday?

I can understand that this hurts but you can't let him take over your life or your going to get hurt a lot more. You have every right to see your friends so even if he gets mad then that's just his problem not yours.

You're not being selfish, don't let him put a guilt trip on you, don't forget this is a man who would rather see you sit home alone on your birthday than go out with your friends and have fun.

The test of love is when you put the other person's welfare and comfort ahead of your own. He certainly doesn't fit in this category.

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