Yeah i love them! They never, mostly wanna know what i am doing, whom im chattin with or such minor things, dont bother me much about studies! And i get all that i want? So why shall i hate it? Sometimes i wanna feel like running away :P but its just a thought! I can never wish a life without my parents!
Beats payin bills and bein lonely
Yes, I do. I want to be happy, independent, and be able to handle more things. But, I'm having issues, and I'm blessed and happy to to have the help I do.
Yes , they are caring
but want to migrate to some another country and i will within two years
but want to migrate to some another country and i will within two years
I love them and agree with dylan, but i hate they they always need to know what im doing! My friend heather and i decided we are gonna get a aparetment when we grow up
Im 10 :P so I guess living with parents is OK but they are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO annoying! Do this do that blah blah blah :P