I Am 15. I Want To Leave Home Without Parents' Consent . How Do I Go About That?


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm fourteen and I want to leave home too. You see, me and my Mum don't get on we never have since I was seven she has phisically, mentally and emotionally abused me since then. It's got to the point where she's made me feel so unwanted I just don't want to live anymore I feel so unworthy and have attempted suicide twice and to make things worse I'm not allowed to go out with friends because she doesn't want me out of her sight and I don't have a phone so I have no one to talk to. No one cares  and no one understands what I go through.

At school everyone thinks of me as the happiest person alive when really I'm crushed up inside. So to anyone who thinks that this person is just stupid and should wait until adulthood I totally see where she is coming from. The law saying that teenagers should leave home until eighteen ruins people's lives and it has definitley ruined my life and I can't go into care because my evil Mother would never let that happen.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would say just go know but tell me also how you will manage to live out
danielle harkins Profile
I'm 16 and the law here is you can leave when yor 16 years old but my parents have control over my life they let me d nothing nothing at all come on 16 17 in 9days and ive to be in for 10 not a sec over its pretty pathetic I'm pregnant and my house is ridiculous it has no heating its unsafe and yet their making me stay heree well not anymore because I'm going to housing tomoz with my boyfriend and getting out of their grasp its like I'm a charity case their saying the laws changed to 18 because they know they will still get money for me if I stay in that house and she has said basically shes taking control of my bby its going to be hers soo I'm gone and if you want to leave my advice is get out will you can because if you don't you will regret it because your parents will start putting tht hold and control on you then you will feel like you can't do anything you can't leavee just do the right thing and walk out
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I see where your coming from. You just want to move out but your too young to do it without your parents consent. If I was in your position, I would go out a lot for the next couple of years to make time fly faster and so your not with your parents as much and before you know it, You're 18 and able to move out.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 15 as well and I want to leave home I have bordeline personality disorder and I understand what your going through but I'm just going to leave and go somewhere I know my parents wont look for me. Call me stupid or wotever but put urself in my shoes and you will get it
Yasir Baqar Profile
Yasir Baqar answered
you don't have to leave them without their consent, because they are your parents they know better than you about the circumstances. It'll feel you sour but believe me don't embarrassed them by doing some wrong acts.
I know you can understand better about yourself rather than them, but if you make them happy and set aside your will than it'll be better for you. Hope you understand that. Please love them respect them more than you love yourself.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I've tried that before and it doesn't work. She'll find you. And if she don't you'll go up missing and someone will see you. And report it. It happens all the time.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Don't be so ridiculous !
I am 15 also - and I want to leave home, but pretty soon I'm 15, and all I need is my dads consent and I'm away. But I wont.
I'm not leaving until 17 or 18 as I know that I wouldnt be able to survive financially
Unless your family is loaded, neither will you
So just suck it up and stay at home until you have matured
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Are you being abused in any shape or form ? If not grow up,  why would you want to leave. I expect you can't get your own way and thats no reason to run. Where will you get your money from ? Swallow your pride pull your head in and grow up
thanked the writer.
najahee tyler
najahee tyler commented
I just wanna say that you are not in this kid shoes you don't know the pain he goes thru i feel you kid I've always wanted to run away for that reason but then i realized it makes you feel more empty you mitt a well rebel take no more no should be abused wether there old young poor or wealthy i still wanna run away but for different reasons with perservarence i escaped my captors but now i feel empty nd i feel like i need to get up and leave not to hurt any on but to find out who naj is

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