You simply tell her the truth. Start as soon as she asks and keep it age appropriate. Never have anger in your voice and make sure she knows and understands that it's not her fault. When she asks again and a later age, tell her the truth again. She doesn't need to know all of the bits that are none of her business.
I raised my children by myself when their father left us, we never seen or heard from him again. The advice I gave you is the same I used for my children, they didn't grow up angry, and they have no guilty feelings about themselves. I just kept the truth as "matter of fact" as possible because I didn't want to raise angry kids, the anger is mine not theirs.
I raised my children by myself when their father left us, we never seen or heard from him again. The advice I gave you is the same I used for my children, they didn't grow up angry, and they have no guilty feelings about themselves. I just kept the truth as "matter of fact" as possible because I didn't want to raise angry kids, the anger is mine not theirs.