How Do I Solve A Fight Between Me And My Ex-best Friend?


13 Answers

Geoff Pursel Profile
Geoff Pursel answered
It depends on how much her friendship means to you. If you love her, and trust me, losing a best friend can be like losing a partner, than fight for it. Don't get mean back though, just try to accept that she may be going through some hard times. Nine times out of ten, when someone says that they can't be your friend anymore, there is someone else involved, or something bad has happened to them.
Tell them that if they need to talk to someone, you're there for them. Don't judge them by their actions, there is probably a reason behind them. I have only said about 20 words to one of my dear friends in the last three years, simply because the guy she married won't let her talk to other guys.
So, keep fighting the good fight, and if the friendship matters to you, fight for it.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Talk to them, if it is that bad and you really want to be friends tell them that but if both of tyou have moved on to other people then accept it and get it, don't hold on to it longer then necessary b/c it will end badly. It may hurt but it will be better in the end, trust me I know from experience
Saima Ali Profile
Saima Ali answered
Find out reasons, apologize if it's your mistake.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If she doesnt want to be your friend ignore her
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
I never recommend fighting, that is for idiots. You know that violence solves nothing. I would try to talk to her about it and see what happens, but to be honest, she sounds mean, and I wouldn't want a mean friend like that. Hope this helps.
Morgan Moore Profile
Morgan Moore answered
Well first of all you need to give him some space and after 3,4 days try talking to him if that doesn't work try a hole other week and also see if he wants to be friends! Hope this helps!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I never thought friends should fight, if you are fighting maybe its not a very good friendship. I think you should forget about her because she sounds crazy and find new friends or wait for new friends to find you. It will all be ok.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Its hard to find freind and its harder to leave freind and its impossible to forget ittt
L G Profile
L G answered
Forgive forget and move the hell on. Doesn't sound like they deserve to be your friend anyway.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You should talk to her. I mean me and my ex-friend are in a fight but she won't listen to reason. Either call her or ask her to meet you somewhere.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I think you have to be strong that "I wont mind her until she comes to me with a smiling heart to me"and then only I will be her friend this is what I did to my friend and I am her friend once again
bolt laser Profile
bolt laser answered
One person can't solve a problem between two people.It takes both sides to resolve a problem
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
That sounds really bad!!...the best thing to do is invite her over and have a nice long chat...if she doesnt accept your invitation...simply go and ask her what was wrong...tell her that she may be having a misunderstanding and that it couldnt be solved if you didnt talk...n how a small thing can ruin such a good friendship...ask your other friends to help you out!!

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