ON TOP OFF THAT!!, she treats me and all of the girls in my class like dirt. We can't even tell her because she will tell her parents, and her parents will tell ours, and ... You get the picture. So for all the people who have these friends, my advice is to just act normal around her and if she "walks out" then just act as if she was never there. It should work!!!!
Like what the heck?,, its your life, act the way you want... True friends don't get mad at you just for that...,, take her and say " I don't know why your mad at me,, but if your not my friend then just say it in my face... Don't always ignore me."
sorry but, yo only come to life only once and you're suppose to have fun and enjoy,, don't be a follower, be a leader and yull always have people around you....
Lettme tell you my story:
Last year my best friend was in my school,, we were like twins... But this year she went to another school, we got separated,, and theres this other girl her name is frankie... Last year she was a follower,, she used to follow me and my bff, but his year since my bff went to another school, frankie took over my bff's place!!,
So now I don't talk to frankie,,,,
so I'm just tellling you!, ENJOY LIFE!, don't let them get to you!.
And when I confront her she crys. And she says here family's mean to her. And her family is so nice. I know everything about them.
Oh and I'm good friends with her other friend Alaesha and the all ways leave me out sometimes. And when I tell her to stop leaving me out she says I leave her out. And Alaesha is mean . She all ways makes me pay for her. Sometimes I don't know what to do....
Please help me.
Also , I have to be friends with hurrr becasue my mom and her mom are like jointed at the tips .
And I ride her bus. So ! I have no clue whata dooo. She calls me NAMES behind my back. And then pretends I do. So really I'm mad at her.
That's the same with me, my friend hits me, tells me to shut up she copies my work and then yet i say one thing that doesn't even mean anything and she gets angry. I don't know what to do i message her and ask her what i did wrong. I just have the urge to ignore her right back as she does to me because i know she will try and talk to me again. What do i do?
I FEEL YOU!!! Ok, so I have a friend,we've been friends for quite sometime,but there is one thing that gets on my nerves SO BAD.She is always mad at me!!! ALWAYS (For example) Whenever we get done Facetiming,and I say I have to go...she gets mad.
Then says to me on snapchat (all the time) 😒"That's fine" I have to talk to my other friends that actually want to talk to me"
LIKE WTF SORRY I HAVE TO GO! She also talks about me behind my back with another really close friend of mine. (We're all best friends) (sadly)😒but anyways whenever they want to spend the night with each other they talk about me! I know because the other one always rats the other one out! They say things about me such as...I wear too much makeup (btw I DON'T ) Only eye shadow and mascara) I'm 13. They also say things such as...I'm annoying! And many many other things!😒😒
But the one that gets mad at me all the time is so annoying! She always talks about everybody! SHE IS DEFINITELY A DRAMA/GOSSIP QUEEN! Heck she even sent embarrassing pictures to my crush and said I liked him, she always says I'm fake and a bad friend. When really THAT'S HER! She even gets mad when I hang out with other people......I don't do anything! AND I'M THE TERRIBLE FRIENd? 😒😑 WOW!