Don't tell me that there is now a "Gay Rights and Weed" movement.
The first part is good but not the second (do you know how much "roundup" costs these days)
Yes to gay rights and no to weed legalization. Because when Paula-Pot Head and Molly-Marijuana over dose and end up in the hospital, who's tax payers dollars are paying for their (excuse me) broke ass treatments. It's sort of like abortion. Sally, Kasey, Bailey, Carrie and Jenny all run off and get knocked up and then go to the abortion center broke so their abortions are paid for through tax payers money. Its like $120 dollars per abortion. I personally think it's wrong in the first place but what I REALLy think is wrong that it's considered 'health care' making it eligible to dip into tax dollars and pay for the abortions of girls who slept around. Since when was treating health care, sucking a baby out of a sixteen year old girl in a painful process called abortion? Nothing wrong with sleeping around - go for it - just be prepared for STD's and a pregnancy emotionally and financially so that America doesn't have to pay for your mistakes in life.
I don't really support either, but I respect both, for people's beliefs.
....I would support either --> the gays are only human...they just feel a different way, isn't that the same as other religions? Not according to the law. And as for wed legalisation, I have done it and I know many other people that have, and we all know older people aswel and I am yet to see a case of phycosis due to weed/canibis.
I support only lesbian not to gay
I don't have a problem with gay marriage,and weed should be legal asap.
Yesss!! Gays are humans!! And I support weed legalization as well.
I am totally against weed legalization. Maybe fines instead of jail.
I don't care one way or the other about gay marriage. What other rights do they want that they don't have?
I don't care one way or the other about gay marriage. What other rights do they want that they don't have?
Gays are people too, don't they have the right to love as much as straight people?? And yes I support weed legalization =D
I believe that gay people should have a right to be gay or not but I don\'t think it\'s right. And I don\'t believe in weed legalization but I believe it should only be used for medical reasons. I respect both.
NO ONE has ever OD'd smoking pot... You might fall asleep, but that's as far as it gets. It's the other dope out there that causes problems.