Be honest. Although you may not realise it, you are probably acting different with her and being distant. She will likely have noticed this, and may well be being overly nice to you in the hope you will return to normal. The longer you stay with her, the harder it will be for her and the more you are drawing out her insecurity, pain, uncertainty and sadness. It is inevitable that she will be hurt, but in the long run this is for the best as she deserves to be in a relationship with someone who cares about her as much as she cares for them. Being part of a one sided relationship will be far more painful for her than it will be for you to tell her that your feelings have changed.
It is best to give her the true reason for why you want to end the relationship, and avoid the 'its not you, it's me' line as no one ever believes this is the real reason. By telling her the truth, it is more likely she will be able to see your point and accept what went wrong. This will make it much easier for her to accept and move on from. Sit down and think about why your feelings have changed before you tell her so that you are ready to answer her questions about why. Consider whether it is because you feel you don't have enough in common, or whether she wants different things from life to you. Maybe the relationship is too serious, or not serious enough. Perhaps you want to spend more time with friends and family or you have feelings for someone else etc. Make sure you are sure this is what you want before you tell her, otherwise you will both end up confused and unhappy.
It is best to give her the true reason for why you want to end the relationship, and avoid the 'its not you, it's me' line as no one ever believes this is the real reason. By telling her the truth, it is more likely she will be able to see your point and accept what went wrong. This will make it much easier for her to accept and move on from. Sit down and think about why your feelings have changed before you tell her so that you are ready to answer her questions about why. Consider whether it is because you feel you don't have enough in common, or whether she wants different things from life to you. Maybe the relationship is too serious, or not serious enough. Perhaps you want to spend more time with friends and family or you have feelings for someone else etc. Make sure you are sure this is what you want before you tell her, otherwise you will both end up confused and unhappy.