I Have A Really Poor Boyfriend. What Shall I Do?


10 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think your boyfriend has too much on his plate at the moment to be seriously thinking of marriage.  As you seem unable to write other than as if you were texting, I suspect you might be too immature to be thinking about it either.  I'm not surprised your mom is not comfortable with all this. I think it is clear that your mother is the one who is really worried about your future.  None of us want our children going into ready made poverty.  Unlike the previous writer I don't think your boyfriend should not support, or help support his family.  I think that shows strength of character and loyalty.  I'm not telling you to give up on him, far from it.  But you need to make sure that YOU are well prepared to work and support you and he once you are married, so that he will be free to help out the family.  It will be very hard, but you need to know going in that in this situation you will likely have to work all the time.  Decide not if you love him, but if you really want to live like that.  Reality is often not much fun but it's better to confront these things early on than to be surprised by them after the fact.  It would mean a lot of sacrifice on your part.  Be sure it's what you want and can do.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Change your mindset. If you focus on the negative, the outcome will always be negative. Truth be told, he probably sucks, but if you're not leaving, you might as well make the most of it
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Money is the root of all evil.  if your boyfriend loves you and you love him then you are rich beyond all measures.  maybe you should look deep into your values of what you are looking for.  everybody would like to have their cake and eat it too but sometimes life is to short to worry about all of that.  if he needs money for you to love him then that is fine it just means that you don't love him for him, and you should find someone else.  you are not a bad person but maybe the issue goes deeper than just the money.  maybe he is poor because he is lazy and doesn't work or blows money frivolously.  those are completely separate issues and I would think more viable reasons to be turned off by his lack of funds.  address the problem for what it is with him.  although if you really are that worried about making sure that the one you love is wealthy then you may have a very long hard life ahead of you.
anitha rajendran Profile
I think you are not in true love with him.if  you had loved him this is not at all a problem.still you will say tat you will be there with him and solve the problem.if he loves you truly then he wont be in this unstable mind.better you people understand if you love or quit. Firstrespect the feelings.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't really have much but if he needs financial advice you could use blurt it by asking a question.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you will always be worrying about the future of having a poor boyfriend and r used to a certain lifestyle that he may not be able to support later and if you see him getting no where in life its best to leave him and now-let him make something out of his life instead of marrying him and always regretting and making him feel bad for being Poor but if you feel you can adapt to the lifestyle he will provide you with and still be happy and love him unconditionally...then stay with him
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Live to be happy
jim jhons Profile
jim jhons answered
If you love him you stay with him. Its a hard choice but he needs to decide wether or not he wants to make his life with you as miserable as his families life. He can't and shouldn't be expected to support you and himself as well as his family. They should be the ones helping him out. They need to file for bankruptcy if they are that bad off and take the burden off their son. Their mistakes are their problems not his. Also if he is working towards a degree he should also have a part time job that would help him out in paying his tuiton. 20hrs a week isn't much to add to a full class schedual and it will go along way with tuition.

What about you? Do you have a degree are you planing on getting one.
chris rico Profile
chris rico answered
Should invest in foods that make you smarter. Take bigger risk's. Try gambling. Are you guy's even good looking?

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