
I think my mother is lesbian. What shall I do?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

So you suspect that your mom is a lesbian? Well, some people would argue there's no need to do anything.

A lesbian mom is no different from a straight mom other than the fact she finds women hot rather than men.

What to do if your mom is a lesbian

In reality though, finding out about your mom's sexuality might make you feel awkward, confused or even embarrassed - especially if she hadn't intended for you to find out.

In this case, it's hard for anyone outside your family to give you effective advice, because you'll know the dynamic between yourself and your mom, and how best to approach her about this subject.

My suggestion would be to try and ask her to sit down and discuss the matter with you. Be considerate and open, she might feel anything from relief to fear when you ask her about her sexuality, but I believe it's far healthier for both of you to be open and honest.

Be honest about your worries, confusions or concerns - but also try to show her support and love.

Society is gradually becoming more progressive and liberal when it comes to attitudes towards same-sex relationships, but that doesn't mean your mom is having an easy time of it.

She obviously felt uncomfortable enough that she kept her feelings towards other women from you, so proceed delicately when seeking answers.

My final piece of advice would be to not bother with internet research. If you trawl the internet for advice relating to "lesbian moms", you may end up finding a lot more than you bargained for!

Carl Green Profile
Carl Green answered

In this day and age it's something that is absolutely normal. Talk to her about it, she is your parent and will guide you through your confusion.

If anyone at school catches wind of this, they will likely tease you though so develop a thick skin fast!

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