
Will A Childish Boyfriend Ever Grow Up And Think More Responsibly? If So, When Will This Happen?


5 Answers

Bug Profile
Bug answered
Eventually he will grow up and adapt, but he needs you to help him with that. Rather than criticism for the sake of criticism grant him constructive criticism, grant him hint, subtle reminders, calm explanations, regularly tell him what is on your mind and encourage him to do the same: Sometimes these seemingly trivial little things can help.

Tension is normal; I've been in some VERY tense situations, and my boyfriend, although 'grown up' isn't exactly on the same wave-length as me, but it's getting better. He used to be clueless, and I helped him grow up by helping him understand me and my views, it opened his eyes to a lot of things, and the complexity and depth of our relationship has certainly sped up his mental development, therefore I know it can work for you too.

On the other hand, if the tension doesn't cease, you need to do what's best for both of you and end it (not to sound all doom and gloom!)

I wish you the best of luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Most men remain little boys apparently...Agree with Ruthbug, it's taking some time as well but I'm slowly making my boyfriend understand things. Some men are really clueless about things that seem obvious to women. It's all about making him gently understand and maintaining the bridge of communication.
Bruce Tillson Profile
Bruce Tillson answered
Number one,,,stop criticizing. That just puts him on the defense. What was the argument about? Now think about this......was the subject matter worth arguing about at all? Oh,, to answer your actual question,,,,,when you both mature enough to not argue about trivial matters.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Calm down first now think about do men ever grow up?no,my husband is 30 and he has his responsibilities but he still hasn't grew just need to make sure he is responsible enough on the important issues...good luck
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its seems someone's put forth my question exactly the way it is..and answers are also real good exploring all possibilities..thanks all!! :)

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