If Your Parents Don't Know That You Have A Boyfriend Do You Tell Them, Keep It Secret, Or Let Them Find Out?
I'm guessing you're a young individual since you are hesitant to tell you're parents this news. Regardless of the situation, I think you should tell them especially if this is your first boyfriend. Parents are guides and they can help keep you and your boyfriend in a healthy relationship or nonexistent if they think you are not mature enough WHICH IS OKAY! Boyfriends will come and go but your family will always be there. It they find out on their own you are risking the trust you have with your parents which in the end will make your relationship with your boyfriend more strict/limited. If it helps maybe you could make a list of the positive and negative outcomes from telling your parents. I can almost guarantee that the positives will outweigh the negatives and if not I would say your parents are a bit more strict and in that case you should wait until your parents trust you to make those decision on your own. Best of luck!