I am 18 & I am going to go live with my dad. I have some items that I need to get from my moms house. But, my mom thinks that anything in her house belongs to her. If she was to call the cops for thievery, what would happen?


5 Answers

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Your 18 so legally she don't have to let you back in her house. If you have stuff still in her house then you have to get a police escort to escort you through the house but you may have to prove the items you take are yours because posession is 9 tenths of the law. Good luck.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

It all depends on  what it is. If is furniture she has bought for you over the years, it is technically hers, and you were just allowed to use it. If it is clothes or mementos that you bought or were gifted to you by others, than it is yours to retrieve. I would make a list of items you want to get, and then arrange a time to pick them up. If necessary ask or a law enforcement officerto escort you.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

If you have been living with your mother since you have been 18, it is likely that you have technically established residence there---so you probably have the technical right to enter that house.

I assume your parents are divorced---if your dad had an attorney represent him in the divorce, you might be able to have him call and ask the attorney what your legal rights are.  Or you could just consult with an attorney that deals with family law.

Also, you could call the non-emergency number for your local police and ask them how they would respond to this situation---I'm sure they have dealt with similar situations before.

(YoWanna Cook's answer has some additional advice about proof of ownership and a police escort.)

Dances With  Wolves Profile

You're best to get police to escort you to your moms house and if you know what exactly belongs to you tell the police so they can help you it's best to get police involved instead of taking matters on your own the worst she can do is say that your taking things that don't belong to you so , you want be civil about things have the police escort you so mom doesn't make a big issue with threats and etc.

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