Dating is just spending time with someone with no real end game. Courting is like dating but with the idea of one day marrying the person.
What exactly is courting? I've been told that it's another word for dating and others have told me that it's different than dating and there are rules. I couldn't find the rules in Google...
I think Gator has it pretty well stated. Often the ideals are interchangeable, but they truly are not. I would say dating is the early stages of a relationship, an investigation for compatibility, and courting is the later stage of developing a lasting relationship.
Gator and Charles have answered very well. To me, courting is a mating dance -- pursuing your chosen one with a view to making a life together.
Of course, in these days of skyrocketing divorce statistics that might be a bit naive.
Nobody does the courting dance better than a peacock...
Gator Blu has it down pat.
courting: Seeking the affections of a woman (usually with the hope of marriage)
There is a specific intent on the part the man that is not (usually) a motive for just "dating" in general.
Here an idea of the "rules."
Courtship takes the position that the two people have no physical contact at all (no touching, no hand-holding, no kissing) until marriage. Many in a courtship relationship will not spend any time together unless family members, preferably parents, are present at all times. In addition, courting couples state up front that their intentions are to see if the other person is a suitable potential marriage partner. Courtship advocates claim that courtship allows for the two people to truly get to know each other in a more platonic setting without the pressures of physical intimacy or emotions clouding their view.
(If you want the URL that contains the last paragraph, highlight the last paragraph and select "google search for" You can also do the same for the definition I pasted.)
courting is getting into a relationship in the hopes and plans to marry that person. Im also positive courting involves no sex and intimacy until marriage.
Basically the two are the same so its depends on what part of the world you live in. There are always rules whether dating or courting and the main rule of either is Whatever her Dad says, goes and don't ever bring her home late unless you have a death wish on yourself and treat her like a Princess and Daddy will love you til you screw up. Now in Royal circles and England its called courting . Hope this makes sense and Good luck