
HELP! So I have 2 girlfriends by accident. I was going out with this girl and then another one bopped up. I don't know what to do. I want to go out with both but I can't because it will be selfish and hurt the girls and I don't want that, what do I do?


7 Answers

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

Sorry, but I'm not buying the story that you have girlfriends "by accident".

Break up with both of them. If you want to date, then just date. If you want to have a girlfriend, discover the word "monogamous". It will help you tremendously.

I dated a guy in college, who would eventually become my husband. He let me know from the start that I was not the only girl he was dating. So, I had a decision to make. He was honest with me - he was in college and he wanted to date and not have a girlfriend. He had this conversation with every girl he dated. I chose to continue to date him.

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Danae Hitch
Danae Hitch commented
When someone plays on your emotions like that, you have a choice to respond or decline. If you feel the girl would have killed herself if you didn't date her or be her boyfriend, tell her that if she didn't talk to her parents about this - you will and then do it. That's emotional blackmail. Don't fall for it. She need help and she needs to quit blackmailing people to like her / date her / sleep with her in order to make herself happy.
Walt O'Reagun
Walt O'Reagun commented
Great ... GREAT ... answer, Danae!

Also - that explanation still is NOT an accident. An accident is something you have no control over. You still have choices, and choose to date her instead of - telling her parents, or other authorities - or telling her "no" and letting HER make the choice of suicide or not (which you wouldn't be responsible for).
Danae Hitch
Danae Hitch commented
Thank you, Walt. It's nice to see you on Blurtit.
Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

Nice try .. But, 'bopped up' is not an excuse .. THIS was no accident ... Clearly .. You made a conscious decision to offer your affections to the 2nd girl .. THAT is no way in any shape or form an 'accident'. If you have 'commited' (and  use that term loosely) to your 1st girlfriend, and have entered into a monogomous relationship, then you could potentially be in BIG trouble by deceiving her).

Even if you were co-ersed or forced to 'date' her because she threatened to kill herself is not an accident.  Even being black mailed into having a relationship is not an accident. THIS situation is FAR more serious than that.

THIS 2nd girl is obviously deeply troubled and you are dealing with a VERY volitile situation .. Clearly one you are illequipped to handle.  Her parents should be made aware that she is this seriously troubled as to threaten suicide if you don't date her .. This girl needs some serious help.

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

How old are you? How does a second girl just "bop up" out of nowhere? Dating doesn't just happen. It needs a conscious effort from you. The solution is very simple. You will need to stop dating one or both of the girls. Forgive me if I sound harsh, but if you just "accidentally" started dating two girls, you may not be ready for a dating relationship.

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

I don't see a problem ... As long as everyone is aware of it, it's okay to date multiple people.

In fact - that should be (and used to be) the norm.  Since the point of dating is to get to know multiple types of people, so you can make an informed decision of what type you want to spend the rest of your life with.

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Bikergirl Anonymous
I agree Walt .. seems 'it used to be' the norm, but not anymore. It seems like having a 'relationship' is all too often treated with the same emotional connection as a piece of jewellry, a 'fashion statement'. Especially with our pre teen and early teen population. It has nothing to do with choosing a partner to share with .. it has to do with peer pressure and 'image'. It really is kind of sad.
Walt O'Reagun
Walt O'Reagun commented
Sometimes I think the younger generation would learn more if they watched older movies and listened to the music of older generations. LOL
Bikergirl Anonymous
Not sometimes, but all the time I think if this generation of parents of children got more involved in teaching their children manners and social skills .. everyone would be better off. I can't imagine what is going to happen when THIS generation is at 'the wheel' and is running the country. Self indulgency and entitlement will be the fuel that rules that roost. Do the math, the outcome is not good.
Steve Delphi Profile
Steve Delphi answered

Hey look kid, if you can handle both of them, I say go for it. As you get older you'll realize women don't put up with that kind of thing often, and also most guys would love to have two girls going at once but are too scared of getting found out unless they have enough money to keep them both happy

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