Start saving your air miles (?) :)
I like this guy, but he just moved 2000 miles away....and I found out he likes me too. What do I do?
I know it's tough but you're better off forgetting about him.
Well, since you both started just liking each other, you can use the phone, Skype or e-mail to stay in contact with him. But since you're young and I'm sure your parents aren't going to let you fly out to see him, I think it would be best to just find someone else in your local area. It's a shame he had to move but that's life and there will be many more boys as time rolls on.
Relationships like this can cloud your life for years.
Just be friends. Don't have a romantic attachment. Keep looking.
If it was a more mature relationship, then maybe there would be a good reason for staying close, but, a just starting out relationship? As hard as it will be, I advise you to cool it.
There is always a long distance relationship. They are rough but can work. I know from experience.