I Really Suck At Making Out.I Need Help!Any Tips Or Advise Etc Etc?


4 Answers

tinga nih Profile
tinga nih answered
I'm 22 and I'm a virgin.. And I never regretted it.. I'm not saying that stay that way... But making out is based on experience.. The more you do it the better you will be.. Ask your man what makes him want you more.. He can only be the one to teach you,.. And you to him.. Just please practise safe sex...
ash shal Profile
ash shal answered
Kissing tips: Wait for them to move in. Be relaxed, relax your lips, be sensual with the tongue- don't shove it into your kissee's throat, don't totally hold back. Pecking the upper lip/biting their bottom lip softly is always cute. Hope I helped. :)
Lorraine W. Profile
Lorraine W. answered

Well I am 51 years old and I had to teach someone how to kiss, and he was suppose to be more experienced then I, he was three years younger and had a lot of woman falling at his feet. I showed him how I liked to be kissed, it was slow I held his face, I would kiss his lip soft and slow but I would brush his cheek, lips, the back of his neck with my fingers and I would go in deep and stay long enough to feel heat and pull back and look into his eyes and go back in for a deep kiss.

Okay in doing that please be careful and make sure you are ready if things get to heated up, and you can stop yourself, I was in my early forties, at the time and I didn't have sex with him I made him wait for three months until I was ready, he told he had never waited that long to have sex with a woman, but he did for me. Be safe okay.
larsari costello Profile
First don't call it makin out simple names like kissing is good. And it's not a competition in kissing you have to be smooth with it and relax like you know what your doing and use your tounge and lips, in other words relax and cool down, don't let your hormones control your body, because if you do it's over

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