
How To Control Narcissistic Boyfriend?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Consider if you really want to be with him. Maybe it's early enough to get out before you have to commit to a lifetime of hard work. But if you really love him you needs to learn from each situation as it occurs, find out what makes him tick. Try different tactics like agreeing, walking away, shouting back and telling him you'll leave. Analyse what worked and what didn't. Then make your own rulebook for dealing with him in future. The longer you're with him, if you take this stance, the more you'll be empowered. The problem with a narcissist is they will not be empathic unless they want to be. So you can state your point of view over and over in varying ways and he will not understand what you mean. Keep the situation such that he needs you more than you need him - that way he stands to lose more if you leave and he'll do more of what you want. Be strong from day one. Don't be obtuse with your boundaries - play fair but make sure he isn't calling all the shots.
nettie Profile
nettie answered
Trade him in for a new model and don't look back he needs to be with someone like himself it won't get any better, unless you want to deal with it......the best to you

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