How do you get revenge on a guy who lives an hour away?


4 Answers

Faire Maiden Profile
Faire Maiden answered
Oh, well... The best revenge it to get hooked-up with an even better guy!
Kristina Lietuvaite Profile
Don't its a waste of time. Whatever he did Karma will get him or another girl! Have self respect and forget about it dear . Been there, done that don't want to go back lol
Maxine Chan Profile
Maxine Chan answered
You can just move on.
Isla belle Profile
Isla belle answered
Depends what you want revenge 4...
Maybe you can post somthing privet or somthin about him on the internet
once I put a picture of my ex sleeping with a teddy..couse I'm relly good at foto shop
or I had a picof him in hart underwear :P

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