You are still a star and not tarnished in the least. You are in everyway perfect! Believe me you did not influence your brother in his life choices in the same way a parent's views really do not taint a child's choices. We are all responsible for our actions and the sum of our character. Sexuality is a personal choice affected by many influences, some of which are cultural, and some are family of origin and some are pure biology. It is what it is. I think being bisexual would allow one to have many interesting relationships. Ayn Rand, who wrote Atlas Shrugged, was a big believer in bisexuality as the most evolved human state. I personally feel very heterosexual but I had a really nasty sister growing up and don't trust women. Maybe it is my loss. But then maybe not as I am very happy with who I am and what my sexual orientation is and that, dear friend, is what matters most!
When did you choose to be straight?
You didn't choose. You just are. It's exactly the same for people of other sexual orientations.
You didn't choose. You just are. It's exactly the same for people of other sexual orientations.
I am a bisexual woman, I have attractions that have been both male and female, I believe I have always had these feelings. I think with some people it is a social choice, but with the majority I believe it is a genetic disposition. I have a cousin who is a homosexual man and the idea of being with a woman has always seemed wrong to him.
I personally have chosen to live a heterosexual lifestyle because it is easier but I feel just as natural being in love with a woman, any relationships I had with women did not end in conflicts of sexuality and I am still very close with some. I find both sexes equally attractive and it has always seemed odd to me that other people do not feel the same. My brother also admits to having feelings for men and certainly finds some men sexually attractive (although it is much more difficult for a male to admit things like that I think) He and I have always been very close and since our Mother died when he was going through puberty he came to me with a lot of his questions. I sometimes wonder if my bisexual nature affected him at an impressionable age, but he always came to me with his questions. None the less, I worry that I "tainted" his views in some ways. Our family has never accepted my decisions and have always maintained that I wanted only attention. A common misconception, as I was the "star of the family" according to my Grandmother up until that point. The star however, became tarnished as soon as she started showing an interest in women. Sad that people are so close minded. Sorry if this is disjointed, I am multitasking. :)
I personally have chosen to live a heterosexual lifestyle because it is easier but I feel just as natural being in love with a woman, any relationships I had with women did not end in conflicts of sexuality and I am still very close with some. I find both sexes equally attractive and it has always seemed odd to me that other people do not feel the same. My brother also admits to having feelings for men and certainly finds some men sexually attractive (although it is much more difficult for a male to admit things like that I think) He and I have always been very close and since our Mother died when he was going through puberty he came to me with a lot of his questions. I sometimes wonder if my bisexual nature affected him at an impressionable age, but he always came to me with his questions. None the less, I worry that I "tainted" his views in some ways. Our family has never accepted my decisions and have always maintained that I wanted only attention. A common misconception, as I was the "star of the family" according to my Grandmother up until that point. The star however, became tarnished as soon as she started showing an interest in women. Sad that people are so close minded. Sorry if this is disjointed, I am multitasking. :)
I believe that homosexuals are born with too many female hormones, for the most part. I can not imagine someone making a choice to become homosexual, since it brings in it's wake, so much suffering. I believe that women become homosexual much the same way, although I have heard of females having bad experiences with men, and that causing them to choose homosexuality. I would like to know if others have any insight into this.
I don't think that people are born that way that is a choice you make.Just like you choose who you want to date or what you want to eat it's a choice.A child is born innocent and not knowing anything so how could they be born like that. I have a homosexual friend and when I asked him he said he was born like that but I think they just use that as an excuse because they don't really know or want to answer truthfully.It's kind of when you ask a smoker why do they smoke and they say because or stress, they find the easiest answer so you don't stay on their case.
Sometimes I think your born homosexual.But also if you had a xwife/girlfriend you might turn.
I believe that they are simply made that way . But I also think that there are some non true gays that jump on the bandwaggon. They are different