There are many ways to tell a person that you love them. Most people just go out and say it but you can say it, express it, or show it - it really doesn't matter. Just don't wait too long to tell the person that you love them, because if you do, it might end up coming too late.
It's important to say those actual words, but not to excess, because after a while it can seem mechanical to the person hearing it. A lot of people feel inhibited about saying these words and when they're said to them, find it hard to reciprocate.
There are many other ways to show love over and above saying words. I call them the `invisible signs of love.' For instance, I had a boyfriend who would do something practical like washing my car if he had hurt my feelings.
There are so many little gestures that show love. Small gifts say a lot, like flowers, a greeting card, chocolates - but never think the cost is what matters. Anyone who has money can buy an expensive gift, but to be subtle and choose something that will touch the heart requires sensitivity and care.
Years ago, when I was very ill in bed with flu, a close friend who hated housework came over to my house and cleaned my bathroom. I knew then she loved me. Having fun together, laughing together, planning surprises, going somewhere to please your loved one that you really don't want to - these are all indicators of love.
But even a smile, a stroke of the hair at unexpected times, listening when you're tired, parents helping their children with homework after they've put in a full day at work and so on and so on. There really is no limit to love's message. Just stay real and you can't go wrong.
I think just saying 'I love you', and meaning it is enough right there.
The best way to show that you love someone, in my opinion, is not necessarily to show them that you love them, but to show the love you have for each other, and that you are close.
If you say it too much then, as Dr Char rightly stated, it becomes somewhat mechanical to the person receiving these sentiments. They get used to it and eventually the word "love" starts to lose as much meaning to them, which is bad for such a powerful word.
Showing love in different ways is more likely to bring consistent and reliable results. Surprise the other person, make them feel special.
More importantly, make it clear that you love each other, and that it's not just a one-way street. If they say they love you and you don't respond, they may feel like you don't feel the same way. And the same goes for you telling them you love them and not getting the response you were hoping for. Many people are in this situation, but you just need to pick the right moment.
Good luck folks!
We can't say that there is a best way to show love, because when you love somebody, and that person says anything to you this makes you know that that person loves you. Even if it was something very stupid in the eyes of others, it will still look great in your eyes because it came from the person you love.
People like it when you just say it and don't look embarrassed - be proud!
Just tell them, and you never know - they might feel the same way!
Tell him/her what your feelings are for them - then you will be contented.
The best way is to give some beautiful gift and say 'I love you'.
Take that person by the hand, and tell her/him that you want to tell them something important, then tell him/her: 'I love you'.
I think a kiss is the best way...
Kiss him, and say 'I love you'.
The first time I told a someone I loved them it went like this:
Me: Hey, guess what...
Him: What?
Me: Hey, guess what...
Him: What?
Me: Guess what!
Him: What! WHAT! WHAT!
Me: I love you.
Him: (blushing) I love you too!
In life, if you know how to express your love, then that's the best way to win a person's heart. When you're in a pleasant mood, and speaking with the guy who you love, just tell him that you love him so much, and tell him how he makes you feel when he is with you and when he is not.
Make him feel how important he is to you. If you're going to propose to him/her, do it fast and don't delay, in case someone else grabs him/her off you.
Say it whenever you feel it in your heart.
Straight from the heart, and make sure you mean it!
Just say you love them. And the 'I love you' thing must be in your heart. You can't say 'I love you' if you don't love them!
By just being yourself and speaking from your heart by feeling it. Love can't be expressed. You don't have to prove your love.
Tell him in private. That way you won't be embarrassed if it goes wrong. But tell him when there is a calm moment, and then say seriously: 'I love you'. Then walk away whilst saying that last word. When he is ready, he will reply to you.
By saying it from your heart...
Not by joking around, but by saying it to him/her with true emotion.
My best way of saying 'I love you' to my girl is by saying 'I L you' for short, and then kissing her through the phone - what about you?
It might sound crazy, but if you go up to a mirror and, without speaking out loud, you whisper 'elephant juice'. It's strange, but it's actually true - it makes it look like you're saying 'I love you'.