
How Can I Stop My Son Wetting The Bed?


7 Answers

lakeesha Hennessy Williams Profile
Both of my kids had problems with bed-wetting. We found out that there's no real 'overnight cure' for bed wetting - but there are certainly things you can do to make the situation a whole lot easier for both you and your son.

How to stop your son wetting the bed

The medical term for bed-wetting is 'nocturnal enuresis'.

It's a condition that affects a large number of children, and is thought to be caused by hormonal changes in your child's brain as they grow up.

You may also be interested to know that the condition is more common in boys!

Some kids will suffer from it occasionally, whilst others will be consistent bed wetters for a number of years (like my youngest!).

The main thing is to not treat your kids like they've done something wrong or something to be ashamed of. This will only cause anxiety, and will probably make them wet the bed even more.

How to prevent bed-wetting

I remember when my first daughter was around 7 years old, she would wake us up almost every night without fail because she'd wet the bed.

At first it was really frustrating, and we decided to take her to the doctor.

It was at the doctor's that I learned that around 15% of children suffer from this condition regularly.
That was the first breakthrough for us, the fact that our daughter wasn't abnormal or alone.

Medical opinion on bed-wetting

The doc told us that bed-wetting will eventually disappear on its own - and that the best thing to do would be to offer our child positive reinforcement and support.

So we sat down with our daughter and explained to her that a lot of people suffer from this problem, and that it didn't make us mad that she was wetting the bed.

We also tried to get her more involved and responsible by letting her change her own sheets. I think this made her feel less self-conscious.

Other obvious things you'll need to do is to make sure your son goes to the bathroom before bed.
You may also want to wake him up for a pre-emptive midnight visit.

Other causes of bedwetting

One final thing you should remember is that, if the onset of bed-wetting is abrupt or out of the blue, a doctor should always be consulted.

This will allow you to check for conditions that might have suddenly brought this on, including:

  • urinary tract infection,
  • bladder problems,
  • diabetes,
  • constipation,
  • severe stress.
Julii Brainard Profile
Julii Brainard answered
That's partly wrong. There IS a particular reason why bed-wetting happens in children(!!).

There's a hormone that the pituitary (part of the brain) produces which tells the body to concentrate urine during sleep. The pituitary only starts to produce this hormone as the brain matures. You can't rush it. It happens when it happens. Without enough of the right hormone the bladder simply voids as it gets too full.

Some older children are producing the hormone but sleep so heavily and drink so much fluids that it's not effective. In such cases bed-wetting alarms are often effective at getting their brains to pay more attention to their bladders, and at least get out of bed in the night to go.

Very elderly people wet themselves because their bladder controls become weak and they start to lose social inhibitions, again.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Scavenger is completely correct, and I would like to add some things:

1) For several reasons still unclear, young boys take longer to potty train than girls. My brother was 7 when he stopped wetting the bed. (He was a deep sleeper.)

2) Stopping drinking fluids at an hour or two before bedtime helped stop bedwetting, but not fully. He was still young and his glands weren't working yet.

There are diapers in the supermarket that are specially designed for older children with this problem. Hope I've helped!
thanked the writer.
Kyle Breckenridge
After reading your blog posting, we would like to suggest another point of view. Diapers only keep the bed dry and often prolong suffering. They do not serve to treat the underlying cause, the deep sleep disorder. We work with the Enuresis Treatment Center. For 32 years, the Enuresis Treatment Center has successfully treated thousands of people from around the world who thought there was no hope for ending bedwetting. Bedwetting, or enuresis, is actually caused by deep sleep, not to be mistaken for healthy sleep. This deep sleep causes a disconnect between the brain and bladder, and the bedwetting occurs as a result. The Enuresis Treatment Center has put together an informative guide to understanding and treating bedwetting. This free bedwetting guide is available to download
Kyle Breckenridge Profile
Bedwetting, or enuresis, is actually caused by deep sleep, not to be mistaken for healthy sleep.
This deep sleep causes a disconnect between the brain and bladder, and the bedwetting occurs as a result.
Very rarely does one outgrow bedwetting, and if they do, they are left with a sleep disorder that can manifest into other forms, such as sleep apnea, insomnia, etc.

The Enuresis Treatment Center has put together an informative guide to understanding and treating bedwetting. This free bedwetting guide is available to download at
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Bed wetting has many reasons for its occurrence. But one thing I know very well is the insecurity of the child or a person. Try not to tell scary stories to the person or child. Make him relax, especially at night. Explain everything to him in a way that he will be so sure that what needs to be done is for a good reason only; be it that he needs to brush his teeth before bed time, or no light on, or he will have a surprise the next day if he follows through; whatever it is to relax him in bed.

If there's bullying at home with other siblings (this happen a lot between brothers and sisters) happens and he is the one that's being bullied, you have to treat him nicely and cuddle him so his tension will go away. Talk to your other kids to stop it (privately and not in front of your son who is bedwetting) so that your son will not be too conscious as to why suddenly he is not being picked on...

Don't tell your other kids about your son's problem in bed because each of us has the right to privacy. If this still doesn't solve the situation after up to 3 months of changes in your son's surroundings (your home) then I would bring him to a doctor because of the fact that his bladder is at risk.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Let him sleep with you... This will do two things...let me know how you feel about both okay?

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