
How Do I Gain Someone's Trust Back?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Trust is a very valuable thing to have and when some one broke that trust, it is very difficult to win it back. However, with forgiveness,time and patience, a second chance is always worth saving some thing that is very valuable to you. TO BRING BACK TRUST in your life, it takes a lot hard work to so. Work on it and do all there is do to get it back. Going on your hands and knees begging is not good enough, it takes much more than that, a lot more effort is involved.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To regain trust will take a long time. All you can do is in future be worthy of people's trust and hope in turn they relearn to trust you.
Larry Lashley Profile
Larry Lashley answered
Regaining trust is difficult; depending on what issues have occurred. Drop your defenses and be accountable and responsible for your actions in your decisions. Work to regain your integrity with the person by not being defensive if criticized as you accept any consequences. Work for a win-win solution. Be your honest self and don't fire back if anger occurs. Address your feeling with I messages and what you did...because, or how you feel....moving forward to rebuilding the trust with openness.
Patrice Profile
Patrice answered
A trust broken is hard to win back, but not impossible. If you believe in prayer start praying for your friend.  Apologize, even if you did not do anything wrong. Ask forgiveness of anything you might have done to cause pain or hurt in the other person life and let them know that you never meant to hurt them. Then be there for your friend and send small but personal notes telling them how much they mean to you and why you are glad they are in your life.
It may take a while and you may have to slow the pace if the hurt was deep, but once there is forgiveness and conversation, healing can begin and trust can be rebuilt so long as there are no other incidents to cause further pain and mistrust.
nettie Profile
nettie answered
That is a difficult task, it is almost like kissing ones AZZ just to prove that you are sorry and you can be trusted again, it is easier to say I'm truly sorry and please forgive me and keep moving, or best not to ever do anything that will break the trust of one that you care for......the best to you..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Trust?.... Me and my boyfriend have been fighting about that so many times, but its not his fault. It's mine, His been accusing me of not being loyal.... But sad to say its true. I don't know why.... But I love him so much and I want our love to last 4ever. For those out there who is in need of help like me.... Make sure to do everything that you can to win back his trust. I love him very much and I'm not going to give up.... I will still fight! He once said to me that Trust and Love is the same.... There big difference.... Trust can be brought back, you can fix it and make it better.... But when it comes to love.... When its gone can never be brought back again.... You must wait.... I just want to say to him if I had the chance to really speak to him with all my heart.... I LOVE YOU WISH HEART! And that I will never ever wanted to destroy our love! I promise to myself that he will be my first and last true love forever.... I just wish that we could reconcile again.... I couldn't ask for more.... I only need is his love and trust! . . . . =(

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