She probably wants you to get closer to her.
You can't really judge which one. It's a matter of time. If shes a good friend and you're around her often, maybe you could try to hint her more about it or try to recognize her body language and facial expressions and recognize what she wants. But of course, you could just have a face … Read more
It's because the dog tries to go into the cat's territory. I have a book that explains it about all cat species and their behavioral patterns.
Glad to help you out
Here's the perfect answer for you:
Selfie Cam takes the idea of the basic selfie and gives it a twist by giving you the option to add amusing overlays and captions. Want to pop a moustache on your mush? Bingo.
It also features face detection technology so can be set to take a picture when you smile … Read more

According to a video I watched earlier you are ( no offence sorry if this really annoys you I don't mean to hurt your feelings)being possessive over your boyfriend and are worried about thinking that he might fall for your friends just tell your friends to tell him your feelings on this here's the link … Read more
Basically see your qualities and if there's anything bad about one of them change it it's working for me but see whether the girl/ boy has anything in common with you