
I am a teen and I have lost my parents' trust in the past in regards to my relationship. I repented. However, my mom does not want me alone with him because she is not comfortable with the physical progression of our relationship. What do I do?


2 Answers

Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright , Florida Paralegal with a BS degree in Social-Psychology, answered

Whats more important to you here?  Your todays BF or your forever Parents? Stick with your Parents because chances are if you took the next step with your BF, and something were to happen, hed be long gone. Teenage Boys are only interested in 2 things, food and sex. And once they get what they want, they move onto the next challenge an teenage boys do lie. So gain your Parents trust and don't abuse it and your life will be so much better off and you have a whole life after College to worry about Family life. Good luck

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