
I used my tithe money to help my fiancé with rent. We fast in August on Fridays but he is fasting for the entire month for me as result of my actions. I can't help but feel bad. Should I feel this way?


2 Answers

Not Online Anymore Profile

Everybody has tough decisions to make and I believe God understands the ones we choose if they feel right in our heart. Your fiance shouldn't beat himself up over it but if his heart tells him his actions are correct, the best thing you can do is support him and not feel bad.

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

Is that some sort of redundant symbolism? .. Not even logical.  How does someone doing themself harm in a form of self sacrifice provide any benefit to someone else's behaviour or actions.  You don't ask forgiveness or commit some crazy sacrifice in an effort of reconcilliation or forgiveness for someone else .. He is wasting his time, not to mention, health.  Just his mere disrespect and disregard for his own health for 'the cause' should sound an alarm .. Loud and clear.

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Joo Ookami
Joo Ookami commented
Thank you everyone for your responses. I don't feel so bad anymore about this. I'm pretty sure God doesn't want anyone doing something to cause physical harm. As we are taught that God wants his people to be prosperous physically and spiritually. For those who may not know, the fasting is just not eating food for some time while drinking liquids such as water, tea, or juice is fine. If one cannot do so due to health reasons, then he must give up a habit such as social media or television for the time of the fast.

Anyway, I think that God knows your heart about these situations, as our pastors say. I can always resume my tithing next time. My fiancé just saw how much I had my heart set on it this week... But everything will be fine. I won't worry about it anymore. Oh yeah! After 6pm rolled around, he did eat something... For those of you that are wondering. Thank you all again and enjoy your blessings.
Bikergirl Anonymous
Well that is good to hear .. and you are absolutely correct, at least as far as my understanding .. God does not want us to cause physical harm or to risk our health in protest or in praise. THAT is not even an logical sacrifice ...

I know we, as Christians have many different beliefs in terms of what we think God wants .. but, THIS one .. to not eat for a week nevermind a MONTH would seriously cause irrepairable damage to the body's organs and brain would NEVER fall under the Christian catagory .. At one time superstition ruled our behaviour in terms of what we 'thought' were led to believe what God wanted, but we are a more educated society and we know better about what that kind of damage that would cause.
Bikergirl Anonymous
Well that is good to hear .. and you are absolutely correct, at least as far as my understanding .. God does not want us to cause physical harm or to risk our health in protest or in praise. THAT is not even an logical sacrifice ...

I know we, as Christians have many different beliefs in terms of what we think God wants .. but, THIS one .. to not eat for a week nevermind a MONTH would seriously cause irrepairable damage to the body's organs and brain would NEVER fall under the Christian catagory .. At one time superstition ruled our behaviour in terms of what we 'thought' were led to believe what God wanted, but we are a more educated society and we know better about what that kind of damage that would cause.

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