What do girls look for in guys? Please answer girls out there, I really need your advice!


6 Answers

star gazing Profile
star gazing answered

It really depends on the girl. Most times looks will draw her in, but a nice personality keeps her there.

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star gazing
star gazing commented
depends on the girl and who she's compatable with. some girls like a sense of humor, others like their man quiet and reserved.
Theodore Putnam
Theodore Putnam commented
I'm sort of both..... *gears turning in mind*
star gazing
star gazing commented
well, I guess you can't attract every girl out there. Maybe wait until you have one girl in mind? The only thing NOT to do is act fake. Imagine one of your friends suddenly changing completely and obviously...just weird. Be natural and be yourself, if you've got those qualities, it's a head start for you!
Lorraine H. Pelkey Profile

That really depends on girl. One girl can consider you to be the best man in the world, and for the other one you'll be the worst guy ever. You should ask this question to the girl you like.

Megan goodgirl Profile
Megan goodgirl answered

Someone who is cute and has a funny personality, and down to earth too.

Jazlyn Bell Profile
Jazlyn Bell answered

Being kind is the first thing I see in a man. Though another thing I love in a man is him being himself, nobody wants someone trying to be someone their not. ;]

Also, having good looks is just nothing to me. As long as they have a kind heart and a caring compassion, they can get any girl.

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Jazlyn Bell
Jazlyn Bell commented
Good looks as in taking care of yourself like taking a shower and cleaning your teeth. Nope, wouldn't hurt at all to have those good looks!
Theodore Putnam
Theodore Putnam commented
Good, and I'll be getting my ugly braces off before school starts!
Jazlyn Bell
Jazlyn Bell commented
Haha, don't worry about that. I'm sure you'll be fine. Good luck!

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