What can I do to help a friend overcome a relationship break down with her first love?


2 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

Take some time and be there for her! A good friend can always help by being there and giving encouragement to her. Show her the better things in life and take her to the park or something and let her get it out of her system! We've all been there.

Cyber Tooth Tiger Profile

Take some time to get involved with other things, make friends with other people , get into some group counseling session if the break up is causing depression symptoms... 

Keep the mind busy if you need to go on websites to answer questions, go on You-tube loads of funny prank videos on there..Listen to music that has happy lyrics and is upbeat sound , go take walks with friends , go out and go to a mall look in stores , see the food courts doesn't mean you got spend loads of money .

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