
I'm nobody’s first choice.I'm last to be invited. My friends make jokes about me. I say I don’t care. It bugs me that I'm nobody’s first choice. I laugh with them but it’s a cover up so they don’t know Im falling apart. Advice?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Just because they're too blind to see past your few faults doesn't mean that your horrible.  It just means that they're stupid

Jojo A. Profile
Jojo A. answered

Life is not a contest where we all strive to beat the other person to to top. Life is a journey and its a darn long one. High school is only 4 years of that journey, yet it is packed with competition for grades, sports, dating, popularity, the best of this and the best of that. What high school students DON"T know is that at graduation, all of that dramatic life competition is done as soon as you hang up your cap and gown and tuck your diploma into a frame or the bottom of your drawer. The students who realize that these years are a stepping stone to a lifetime of self awareness, don't worry about being number one or number two, or even last. It doesn't define their life, or who they are or how important they are as a person. 

That all comes after high school, for the next 70 years or so. In comparison, this is annoying, but insignificant if you look at the whole picture.

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