
I was at friends house and I felt weak and sleepy(little dizzy at some moments). I feel little better after I threw up(on purpose). After that I took some baking soda with water. I don't know if I should go to emergency or just go to sleep?


1 Answers

Anita Jourdain Profile
Anita Jourdain answered

Its hard to answer this question without knowing what your health is like but I can say seeing your primary physician is your best bet. You have no idea what it is going on it could be a virus, food poisoning, parasites maybe even pregnancy if youre sexually active assuming youre at that age. See your doc asap if it happens again go to the emergency room but please dont drink water with baking soda depending on what the issue is it could make it worse and i dont recommend forcing yourself to throw up if you feel like that again ER asap! And tell someone who knows you and your health well about this issue maybe they can guide you

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