Ahh - been there a fair bit. I love my bf but my god has he got a temper on him. Ii depends if hes just in a bad mood cause hes being impatient (he can barely wait for anytime at all) I just give him some tough love - but if he is really angry wiv someone, wiv gd reason I just tend to leave him alone to calm down - but if you know what his 'thing' is that always calms him down, like for my guy its football, playin it, watchin it what ever - then just try to steer him into doing that. Gd luck :)
I was married at 15 and gave birth to my son at 18. My son is now 22 and a wonderful person. Good for you in wanting 2 keep your baby. Get your ged's, get jobs, and get ready 4 a wonderful experience...for god has indeed blessed you both with a wonderful gift!
My best friend was crying too . His girlfriend died last summer and he still gets upset about it so I showed him some funny videos of spongebob on youtube and he couldn't stop laughing . It made him feel better !
Dear, whatever your feelings are right now, you have to think logically. I know love is illogical and that you really want to keep the baby, because you love each other. And believe me age is not a big problem, but what matters is maturity which comes with age and which you lack at the moment, no matter what you say. It will be beautiful to have a baby with the person you love, but everything has got its own time. And this is just not the right time. So think over it a lot. Think of all pros and cons before deciding. And decide logically, and for a minute think with the help of your mind and not heart. Do you really think you can give up your life and career at such a tender age and tend to the baby??? Do you think you are capable enough??? If yes, if you are totally confident about yourself and your boyfriend, keep the baby. And if he really loves you, he will understand. First be comfortable and relaxed yourself, then only you can provide him some comfort...
I don't think that there are any words that can help. I think that you should put yourself in the baby's place. A baby deserves to be wanted by both parents and you need to be old enough to provide for the baby. I would advise that both of you discuss looking into adoption because there are many people who want a baby but are not able to conceive. And it is what is best for the baby that is most important.
You are young but also mature enough to discuss this you need to be prepared if you choose to keep this baby that you may bring this baby up alone even if your boyfriend has promised to be there you will be the mother your decision will be final take a little time to consider what to do here
I sometimes struggle with this one. My boyfriend has a very short fuse and will chuck a computer across his bedroom if it isn't working properly. I Just tend to rub his back a lot, tell him I understand, agree with everything he says and give him a good long kiss. Usually, showing you care by something simple like kissing or cuddling, it brings them down. :)
I agree with Marbee on this. At 16 having a child and taking on the roles of parents is a daunting task. It is a daunting task at 32, which is when I had my Baby without a Father. He cried himself to sleep because he had no father. I would not trade a minute of the time we had, but it could have been easier on him. Put personal feelings on back burner, and do what is best for child.

Oh my, lord have mercy knows I know about this better than most. Lol. My bf has a bit of a temper himself and if he gets a bit mad or in a bad mood, I like to think I help calm him down or cheer him up[. (I like to think so and I get to indulge when he says so which he does!) it really depends what he's mad about. If it's like at another person, tell him he has every right to be mad, but he doesn't have to act so sulkey about it and calm down ***remember, feel free to change my wording on this***. If he's sad, you know 97% of guys would like it if you sent them flowers. Flowers just make people happy. Plus, whatever his indulgence is, (for mine it's dark chocolate. Something like that.) let him indulge in it. If it were, say, dark chocolate, ;) so get him some. Something like that usually cheers up people up, especially if it's from someone they love.
Sweetheart, it all depends. Is he more of the masculine "oh, look at me. I'm too strong for tears. Grr. Macho macho macho." or the "let's go pick flowers in the setting sun and have a beautiful moment and cry our eyes out" or, like my last boyfriend, is he the the *thinks* "I'm not going to show emotion..." (something makes him mad) *must not show emotion.* (something else makes him mad) *... BOOM!!!* and he explodes on you cause other people made him mad and he's just beating himself up over it (literally) type? If he's masculine and "too tough to cry" type, I suggest you let him be. He dosen't want you to lose that image of what he thinks he is. Let him cry it out, unless he starts to go hurt himself. That's no good. Can't have that. If he's the sensitive flower-picking type, and he's crying because he's sad, comfort him. Those are the guys that need time, attention, and as much non-sexual physical contact as you can give them. If they're like... (let's call him steve.) if they're like steve, then you serioulsy should 1. Send them to fricking anger management classes. 2. If it's not what you want to handel for the REST OF YOUR LIFE, I'd try finding another boyfriend, that's what I did. I'm much better off now.