
If My Baby's Father Is Married How Will Child Support Work?


1 Answers

deanna Profile
deanna answered
If you know the state he is living then call your local child support office and let them know he is married and where he  living  at give the address... A good way to get address from him and new call them from the school you son goes too or daycare and ask them  if you could use them for emergency contact for the school and they need the address and if they are working the phone number and that address.just in case the school can't get a hold of you they will be the first to get contact.only write it on paper and don't really give information about the father to the school if you feel they are good to your son... They will gladly give it to you thinking that you trust them.. Then report the address and work number to the child support division... Then when they receive the envelope on information they have to fill out and have their employer fill out for them.They will be mad at you. But inform them that  you only gave the address to the school.. And they will be getting the school monthly news and activities papers in the mail box.tell them you had to apply for emergency food stamps and medicare for your son they asked for the where about of father.. And you told them only his  just fathers name like almost 5 months ago ..maybe they found their address under his name and went online called It always works for me..may be the child support place found the fathers information thru the social security when he applied for the job

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