
Does Panty Pooping Feel Good? I Think I Might Try It, But I'm Embarrassed.


4 Answers

Robin Burden Profile
Robin Burden answered
Generally speaking, the sensation of soiling yourself is not something that most people enjoy.

Nevertheless, if this sounds like something you'd be into, there's nothing stopping you from trying it out.

To help you make up your mind, you may be interested in reading the following pros and cons:

The pros to deliberately pooping your pants
Most people associate disgust and shame with the act of soiling oneself, and this creates a psychological barrier that makes it almost impossible for certain people to poop their pants, even if they try.

Breaking through that barrier might generate a certain sense of satisfaction and liberation, and this could be seen as a positive attribute.

Sexual gratification might also be brought about by the act of defecating in one's own undergarments.

'Coprophilia' (also known as 'scatophilia') is the term used to describe associating feces with sexual pleasure.

Humiliation and degradation can play a role in sex, and sexual power play - and, whilst this isn't necessarily the case with corpophilia, it's easy to see how the two concepts could be intertwined.

The cons to panty pooping
Describing the negative aspects of soiling oneself is slightly more straightforward.

1) Hygiene would be one main concern I'd have with the act. Feces obviously contain a host of different bacteria, and relieving yourself in your own pants would be considered fairly unsanitary.

2) Social stigma would be another barrier to reckon with. There are few things that society looks at with more disdain than a person who wilfully soils themselves for pleasure.Whether that's right or wrong is up for debate.

3) Finally, it's just plain inconvenient. Cleaning up the mess associated with the act would be a hassle most people would prefer to avoid.

Also, consider the amount of money you'd need to spend on underwear if you were to make this obsession a regular thing!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This would be completely subjective. Many people enjoy defecating and urinating on themselves in clothing, or in diapers. 

I have and do enjoy wearing and using adult diapers from time to time.

All I can say is try it.  If you like it then do it some more. 

I don't like the mess in my panties, but you may.
Amber Starfield Profile
Amber Starfield answered

I think making poo poo in my panties feels good, but I prefer to use a diaper or Goodnite. Going poo in a diaper is easier to clean up, but I will sometimes go in my panties if I will be doing laundry soon anyway. Normally, I only do this when I am fairly sure it will be a mostly firm poo poo. No need to be embarrassed about it, no one know that you like the feeling of a warm load against your bum. Just wear a pair of panties that are full enough cut to hold it all, squat and relax. Take some deep breaths, perhaps read a magazine if that helps. Then push naturally. After I fill my diapers with tinkles and poos, I like to sit and have some squishy time.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I'm a 21 year old girl I never wipe and I love the feeling.

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