Because teenagers are more influenced by those around them and not too many are their parent's age. It's a faze they go through thinking you don't understand, and sometimes parent's forget what it's like being a teenager. It's like the old joke, a young man of 18 goes off to college. He returns home 3 yrs later and is amazed at how much his parents learned while he was away
It is natural to separate from parents in the teen years. During this time, Peers take on a greater importance in one's life. We grow, become 'wiser' in our own knowledge of the workings of the world, and we solidify friendships with those in our age group. This is a natural preparation for the next phase in a persons life, where they move out and Start their own family. Unfortunately if the 'parental bonds of trust and love' are discarded entirely before the teen reaches his 'age of majority, he may make bad decisions with serious consequences. Sometimes an underlying anger or resentment can cause one to distrust the advice of a parent. Pray for him, keep an eye out for him, and if you see him getting himself into serious trouble, talk to him.
Most people say that teen years is the hardest time in their lives. I agree. I'm in that stage right now and it's very difficult. Teenagers have so much to deal with; school, peers, family, relationships and such. At this stage, most teens tend to be rebellious because of the growth of hormones. And also, its a norm that listening to one's parents is not "cool" because they are older..I'm not one of those
Teenage is called the age of running blood means they will not be stable at one point, they live in their own world. What ever they do they think they are correct and do not hear our words. Only time will tell don't worry
That is pretty normal, they just think they know better than the parents. It is one of those life lessons that we all go through. In a teenagers eyes, they think all parents are hypocrites. They are at the ge of rebellion but as they get older, they will understand how important it is to listen to their parents.
Because when your a teenager, like me, we have so much going on in almost every way so usually we would be much more comfortable around people much more like us which would be a load of teens...who are in the same situation..but seriously, it's uncomfortable. As teenagers, this is the time when we are growing up, making our own decisions. Why do we want our parents 'helping us', I mean for us it feels more like controling us. Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes.
I think it is generally just a difficult time, lots of hormones running around and it forces people to make irrational decisions.
There is always a small amount of denile there as well "not wnating to end up like your parents" but in the end most people do.
It's no excuse foe the behavior of some teenagers though, society protects them too much, they should see the consequence of their ignorant actions or they begin to think acting badly is acceptable.
There is always a small amount of denile there as well "not wnating to end up like your parents" but in the end most people do.
It's no excuse foe the behavior of some teenagers though, society protects them too much, they should see the consequence of their ignorant actions or they begin to think acting badly is acceptable.
Because teenagers have the right to think for themselves and they think they know better than everyone else.