The only practical method to deal with those nasty and annoying neighbors that you possess is to SIMPLY IGNORE THEM! They will surely try pissing you off a couple of times but when they will notice that you don't really give any kind of attention to what they are up to , with the passage of time, they will put a halt to disturbing and pesting you off!
Simply to ignore them - how? To sacrifice my sleep, my rest? To move out?
Or to give them gifts? - Why that? I mean, why I wasn't brought up to act like them? I always respect neighborhood, simply the case brought us close and we have to learn not to do to the others what we don't want to be done to us....)))
Or to give them gifts? - Why that? I mean, why I wasn't brought up to act like them? I always respect neighborhood, simply the case brought us close and we have to learn not to do to the others what we don't want to be done to us....)))
First you have to talk with your neighbors and tell them straight forward that you cannot stand their rude behavior any longer and that they should start behaving properly.If they do not understand then talk to your community or colony chair person.
I had a neighbor who let out her dogs at 5:30 a.m. The dogs, of course, barked, but really only instinctual/protective barking, not like little yap-yap dogs. My bedroom wall was closest to their yard. I sent a note over with her kid that basically just said I really wanted to be a good neighbor and was not interested in a confrontation. I told her I normally got up for work around 6:30, and because she let her dogs out early, I was awakened by their barking. I told her that I respected her children, home, etc., and I would appreciate the same consideration. I am still not sure why it worked, but it did. She let her dogs out at 7 a.m. Instead, and I got to sleep until the alarm went off. Now if this had not worked, I am not sure what my next step would have been, but I thought I would try it first, you know? And I sent a nice letter so my mouth wouldn't get out of control and say something inflammatory. Worth a try for lesser annoying behaviors.
Just tell them what is on your mind. Let them know they annoy you so much you cannot even stand them.