
How Do A 13 Year Old Boy Impress A 12 Year Old Girl In School?


13 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tell her she is pretty, and complement her. If you're friends with one of her friends, ask to hang out with them and another guy. Maybe you too will run off and chill.

Or... Do it how I did it;

get her number text her, tell her its you, don't be shy, tell her 5 reasons why you like her (try to be honest) and tell her she is pretty, not hot. Some girls might like being called a hottie or hot, but they appreciate it when their called pretty or beautiful or gorgeous, not "hot"

Hope this helped


I love Kaitlyn!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Keep your grades at their highest level,complete all class room and home work projects, then start helping to tutor student's, she will be nothing less than impressed I can tell you that...  Good luck, and as much of a drag as this sounds it will turn around and be a lot of fun before you know it...
John Profile
John answered
By showing respect to others,your parents,family,friends,neighbors,relatives,getting great grades,plan for the future,find out her interests,hobbies,what she likes to do.then find something both of you can do together and ask her out bowling,movie,concert,sporting event.something with your family hiking,trail ride on bikes or horses,magic mountain(go karts,putt putt,video games), anything picnic,canoeing,hanging out at the mall.walking her home from school if you can.maybe even give her a ride home from school.
n/a n/a Profile
n/a n/a answered
Like soulja boy said turn yo swagg on
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Just be yourself, most likely she doesn't want an act, ask her BEST FRIEND about her, (anyone else might be unreliable or jealous or something) DON'T tease her or be a jerk, be nice, help her out a bit, stuff like that.
maddie anderson Profile
maddie anderson answered

It depends what the girl is like. But if the girl is anything like the girls in my school she likes a guy with a funny bone and that is a gentleman. He has to look out for her but not be too clingy. Tell her how you feel in person instead of a text. DO NOT CHOOSE SPORTS OR FRIENDS OVER HER. Put her needs first.

Hope this helped!

Evan Zamora Profile
Evan Zamora answered

SHOW HER THOSE ABS!!! Lol just jk, just be funny kind and sweet

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm a girl I would know. Just be nice to her. A girl loves a good shoulder to lean on.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Dude this may not help but if you are annoying her to death and or staring or stalking her she will only hate you!Be nice to her and stand up for her when somebody picks on her and she will really appreciate you.
Jasmine Haha Profile
Jasmine Haha answered
Awww how cute, just be sweet to her, walk her tO her classes make, make her laugh(: Just be yourself and ALWAYS be a gentlemen I known love guys like that and I was just 12 a few months ago, good luck !!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Just be nice and talk to her!  DO NOT STALK HER!!!!!  But also DO NOT send your friends out talking to her or doing your business, it's super annoying and makes you seem cowardly.  Be yourself, and if she doesn't like that, then she's not right for you.  Hope this helps!

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