It depends ... What is their annual income and are they willing to buy me a pony and a boat ?
Would you be okay having a relationship with someone 10-15 years older than you if you were the male and the older person a female?
I was involved with a woman 22 years older than me and was 44 years old at the time.
Any woman that is 10-15 years older than me is probably already dead.
If both are adults...sure why not.
10-15 years with a good real paying honest job either way is OK with me.
Sure! Age does not determine my relationship decisions.
Contemplate Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore.
Not on your Nellie. A woman 10-15 years older than me would be 90-95. What sort of man do you think I am?
In terms of conscenting adults .. Age doesn't matter.
No problem if they are mature adults and both happy with the arrangement.