My kids are in their 40's now so my methods back then are old school. I just taught them how to defend themselves and never had that problem. My youngest son had an older kid following him home bugging him for a while till I saw it and told him how to stop it. He was never bothered again.
Yes, we did. We helped them deal with bullying and stepped in when needed.
My mom in law taught me a lesson in bullying. When my husband was in junior high he was bullied and the kid took his lunch. Instead of marching down and handling it with the staff, she sent the bully a lunch. She figured he was just hungry and needed food. Sure enough after weeks of my husband handing him his own lunch, he apologized and eventually became my husband's friend. I learned that sometimes there is more to the story, and that sometimes a little kindness goes a long way.
This is a test.
Were all students and teachers.
This is school house earth.
Learn all you can and take it back to the source.
Like Rooster, my kids are all in their 30's and 40's, so they were taught the old school method of dealing with bullies. My daughter had 3 brothers that knew how to box and a long haired hippie dad, so no one messed with her.
You can let your child know that he/or she is not powerless! In fact, you can fight a bully without their fists. How?
First, Stop and Think!
Don't react, if you remain calm as possible - at least on the outside-those bullying you may well lose interest.
Don't Retaliate, The Bible tells us "Return evil for evil to no one" seeking revenge will only make the situation worse.
Don't walk into trouble, to the extent possible, avoid people or a person, who likes to cause trouble, and avoid situations where bullying may occur.
Try an unexpected Response, " A mild answer turns away rage". You can even try humor. For example, if a bully asserts that you're overweight, you could shrug your shoulders and say "you're right I guess I could lose a few pounds"!
Walk Away. - Silence shows that you are mature and that you are stronger than the person harassing you". It demonstrates self-control - something the bully doesn't have."
Work on Your self - confidence, Bullies can often detect those who think negatively of themselves and who are thus not likely to fight back. In contrast, many bullies will back off if they see that you aren't giving them any power over you.
Tell Someone. It's the right thing to do, and it can prevent someone else from being bullied".
I beat the absolute living hell out of a kid who bullied me for 4 years. He tried to push me and hit me that day so I was in a bad mood and I just lost it. Somehow, even though he's made me bleed a lot more than i did him, he still got a week suspension and so did i. Wasn't the best way, but it worked. I don't even know how to deal with bullies. Tried talking to teachers, they didn't do anything. Can't bring any adults into it, they can't watch over me in school, can they? It'll only make it worse. I just endure it. And if the bully is a teacher's pet...That's bad...Real bad. They can cry wolf, lie and tell the teacher you beat him/her/them and the teacher'll automatically believe them because the teacher thinks of your bully as angels. I don't have kids but I don't see any way to actually stop bullying. If the teachers and the principal had an iq higher than -6 maybe they'd care. I'd just tell them to try and stay away from the bullies and just don't do anything to make yourself look bad. That's what I try to do. Try and fail.