Many, some for much longer.
I met my best friend when I was in grade 7 and he was in grade nine. He's still my best friend to this day even though sometimes I wanna punch him in throat ( not really) anyway grade seven is 12ish and 12ish plus 15 is younger than I am now ... So yes. I know I should have just answered yes but I ramble sometimes . Yes.
Yes but the list is growing shorter due to peoples deaths
Like Otis, I have only about a half dozen left. The rest are gone now. Such a shame.
Yes, I do. I love them all.
Yes, I do.
Yes, I do. I have some friends that I know will be for life.
A few. I even have had on that I have known for 50 years.
My best friend and I met in the 4th Grade. We've been friends for 16 years this year :D