Buy him a gym punching bag to take his frustrations out on it. That should give him a clue.When he is positive, give him attention. When he is negative, just walk away and don't feed into the drama. NO WOMAN SHOULD BE TREATED AS A PUNCHING BAG AND DISRESPECTED.
Its not that much love in the world to stay with a man who disrespects, abuses or hurts YOU. Staying and loving him tells him you agree with him disrespecting you. Leave get intense counseling and move on to a man who respects, loves and cares for you.
By the sounds of your comments to other posters, it sounds like more is going on than being disrespected. If he is continually making you feel bad, then I feel compelled to ask .. What is it, that you find so compelling about him? Being in love .. Or thinking you are in love with someone who has nothing positive to offer you, may not be 'love' at all. To love someone .. You have to be able to 'like' them too. Sounds as if there is not much to like about this guy.
First you tell him how you feel. If he continues, you love yourself as much as you think you love him, and walk away. If someone continues to disrespect their SO, they are emotionally abusive and you need to walk away,
Ask yourself if you would treat him the way he treats you? You love him right? Well that should answer your question, run as fast as you can away from him. Respect yourself enough to not allow this treatment. If he really loved you he would respect and care for you, it's easy to say the words but actions speak much louder.
If there is physical abuse then you need to report the abuse, never, ever allow somebody to treat you this way because he sure as heck doesn't respect you.