
Why don't I have a boyfriend? I' m still in high school, and very into my education, but I wish to loosen up a bit and have a boyfriend and be a normal teen.


2 Answers

Chewed Bubblegum Profile

I'm the exact same way. I'm going to be a junior this year, and I have yet to have a boyfriend! Don't worry about it, sure it sucks not having a date every once in a while, and not having someone to tell you you're beautiful even though you might not think so...but honestly, you're dating your friends, because they can provide a lot of the same things a boyfriend can. 

I know it's hard but hang in there, try to be a little more welcoming. Try to be more vocal in your classes this year, and try being friends with more guys, this way you can meet their friends and who know, maybe you'll hit it off with one of them! It's bound to happen!! Let me know how you do, I understand 100% so I'm here if you need to vent. :)

Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright , Florida Paralegal with a BS degree in Social-Psychology, answered

Believe it or not but you may be trying to hard to land a BF here and yes it does happen. The best thing is just be yourself, be patient and believe here.  When you least expect it a guy will entre your life but then you better hope you know what to do if and when he does as many don't and good guys/gals get away.  Just let your friend s know youre available and let Nature do the rest.  Now Nature and God may have someone special lined up for you in the near future, but first be friends and the rest will happen on its own in due time.  Now if you find someone you like but don't know what to do, contact me on here and Ill give you a time tested sure way to impress him.

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