Since Josh didn't know what to do maybe you should inform him of what to do. You 2 are young so it's understandable.
What do I do about the first time in the world that I had sex in the bathroom and Josh my ex boyfriend doesn't know. What should I do?
You're just being a troll someone wouldn't really post that online now would they ? !
It's difficult to give the right advice in these circumstances, as you sound quite confused about the incident yourself. You seem worried as to what your ex Josh might think about your having sex in the bathroom, so did this happen with someone else while you were with Josh, or before you knew him?
It's more of an issue if you had sex in the bathroom with someone else *during* your relationship with Josh, as he might see this as breaking the trust between you, and trust is a huge part of a successful romantic relationship. If this is the case, how likely is Josh to find out? Will the other person you were involved with in the bathroom tell Josh, do you think?
In the end, what's done is done, and there's no changing the matter. In England, they used to have a saying: "Least said, soonest mended." Perhaps that's the best way to look at this situation.
Here's some advice from a young YouTube user who faced a similar situation: