I have always heard of parents being abusive but children to their parents this is new to me. You are the parent if this continues to happen you may want to think about getting some professional help for your daughter.
You have a daughter who is "disrespectful, abusive and selfish"? Okay, well first off, how long had this Been going on? You can't let her abuse you. If she has an aunt, uncle, grandma, or any close relatives ask if she can stay with them for a little while (a week, a month). When she comes back she may be an entirely different person. I hope this helps!
Well if she's over 18 then just don't speak to her, if she's under 18, sorry your responsibility! And you might look into WHY she treats you like that...
Basically whip her..it's not abusive - just let her know that you are the parent and not her..
I am sorry to hear about the problems you are having with our daughter, and my advice will really depend on her age, but overall "hate" is a very strong word, are you sure this isn't a relationship that can be repaired?
Depending on how bad her behaviour is, a call to the police next time she abuses you may be the wake up call she needs.
However, there is a lot to be said for sitting down and talking to her. If she is behaving like this, there has to be a reason, maybe she has a medical behavioural problem?
If she is at school, it may well be worth talking to the school. A lot of them are very helpful and will work with you to help your daughter get the help that she needs.
If she is over 18 and you really have had enough of her, you have the right to tell her to leave your house. Just be sure that it is the right decision though. If you are going to have sleepless nights wondering where she is sleeping or if she is safe, you might want to think again.