Cheap as in morally, or cheap as in refusing to spend money?
Are they cheap or on a strict budget?
I like cheap people because they are inexpensive to run. All my friends are cheap, low-cost maintenance, which suits me just fine.
Im not a cheap person, i like to spend money... So when im hanging around somone cheap i generally have to spend money on them to as they are to cheap to spend it on themselves.... I do not assosiate with people that are cheap..
Cheap or expensive...why does it matter?..
I think it's annoying when they make you pay for stuff :p
I have any friend like that. I think they are normal people, because of some reason and experience, sometimes they don't feel comfortable with others. Believe me, they need a friend to talk...
Ive got a friend like that......its great she never spends......i should take a leaf out her book=)