Is It Bad To Be A Cannibal?


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think so. In this day and age, it's just unacceptable. We've progressed to the point where the majority of us can survive without killing each other, much less eating each other, for food.
Your Worst Nightmare Ever Profile
Well, it's evil eating people from your kinds and destroying many young souls. It's just...wrong. It disgusts me thinking that any of my family or people I know get eaten by cannibals! How would you like it that your best friends happen to have crossed cannibals and got eaten by them? Not very nice, huh? So yeah, it's evil. There were cannibals in ancient times, they even make lots of movies based on them, but none more exist, hopefully...unless you're in a freezing place where all people die and you have to sit months without food or that case, eating dead humans is, well, a little acceptable..
Ashley Profile
Ashley answered
Yes its gross, inhuman, and very wrong!
Michelle Phy Profile
Michelle Phy answered
Uh, yes its not a good thing unless you know Hannibal personally.
emma loveees youuu xo Profile
Of course not. I am.  LOL joke

yeah i suppose it's bad to be a cannibal...yet eating animals which are living creatures just like us is acceptable...
Monica Smith Profile
Monica Smith answered
I wouldn't say it is a bad thing. It's very uncommon. However, there were so many different cultures that did practice cannibalism...they thought eating another person would make them stronger...they would absorb the strength and wisdom from those that they ate.
Annie Devore Profile
Annie Devore answered
Oh No No No.. Wrong!! On Ten Levels!! Illegal.. Nasty Bits.. People Lock You Up.. Inmates Beat You To Death.. Like Mr. Dahmer..
aileeny Profile
aileeny answered
I realise many will disagree with me but  to me being a cannibal is only one more step from eating all the animals that most of us profess to love.

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