If your guy is too into porn and wishes you were the way those women are in those movies, you have to tell him to grow up. You are who you are. If that isn't good enough, tell him to go find a woman like that who will go with him. He will soon see that those women in porn are not the ones he will be happy with. It's all fantasy, that's all it is. If he doesn't see it as that, his loss. As for the feelings you are having, try to be tough. I don't mean you have to accept him with this behavior, I mean stand up for yourself. Tell him what you feel and that you are not happy about it. It could be rough for a while, but if he listens to you, it may surprise you !
My Boyfriend Like Girl On Girl Porn And Big Boobs That I Dont Have And It Makes Me Feel Unappreciated Disrespected And Unwanted. How Do I Get Him To Stop?
He should respect you and if he can't do that then you shouldnt be together....before you finish with him tell him that you don't like him watching it and give him your reasons for not liking him watching it. Then if he carries on watching it then tell him that you feel that he has no respect for your feelings as he has carried on doing it and therefore tell him you feel like you cannot be with him anymore
You are worth more than a guy which I won't even call your bf because he's so rude. Try going online or searching in newspapers or ask your mates to introduce you to new guys because this ones rubbish. He's arrogant for presuming every woman or girl should have big boobs and be into porn - he's rude for being so upfront, just dump that bastard.
Leave him. If he truly like you he would stop .
First of all you shouldn't be hanging out with that guy. if he thinks he would be happy with a girl like that, then tell him he should try it and then he will find out that he didn't get what he was looking for. you should be respected and wanted at all times. don't let this go on hope I helped
Guys are pigs. They need to watch porn. They don't see their girl every second of the day so they watch porn. Sometimes they do because they're just horny mother effers. It's nature. You shouldn't feel unwanted. You're boyfriend isn't with that naked big boobed girl on his computer screen, he's with you. Watching porn or not, at the end of the day it's you he's with. But if you really do want him to stop and he doesn't then he's saying he cares about porn more than his girlfriend.
Drop him like a bad habit,kick him to the curb,dump him,leave him,respect yourself and move on.
Tell him you don't like it and if he doesnt listen he really isn't worth it.
While dats how boys r pigs but if he likes that and he is with you ,he cares more about you than your boobs
Well you tel him that if he wants big boobs so bad to tell him to get himself some and see what he does from there..