I'm 13 And A 17 Year Old Asked Me Out. I Feel Guilty For Saying No. How Should I Make It Up To Him? I Don't Think It'd Be Right To Date Someone 4 Years Older Than Me. Am I Wrong?


7 Answers

Lucy Burroughs Profile
Lucy Burroughs answered
First of all, I think your decision not to date this guy is a very mature and respectable one. What a thirteen year old wants from a relationship is hugely different to what a seventeen year old wants, and most guys of that age are thinking about sex.

You've done nothing wrong, so you don't have to make it up to him - if he says that you do, then he's lying (probably to take advantage in some way). You can offer to remain friends if you like, but you shouldn't feel guilty about choosing not to date him.

How To Stop Feeling Guilty About Rejecting Him
  • Remember that it's your decision, not his, and you've done the right thing.
  • If you haven't already done so, explain to him why you don't want to date him. You have a perfectly good reason so he shouldn't take it personally.
  • Your parents wouldn't be happy with you dating a 17 year old - just think, you've saved yourself the trouble of arguing with them over that!
  • If you were friends before he asked you out, you can still hang out together.
    If you weren't friends before, don't try to befriend him out of guilt - you'll only send him the wrong signals by spending more time with him.
Nicole Profile
Nicole answered
No, you're so right  - you are too young. If he loves you then he would wait till you're 16. You shouldn't feel guilty as he probably only wants sex and things and that's not right as you're young. I think you made the right choice, so well done. He should find some one his age. Hope this helps x
samual answers Profile
samual answers answered
A 21 year old dating a 16 year old is not good either. Date people more your age because 4 years is a huge gap in life experience.
Allan Regalado Profile
Allan Regalado answered
Yes, you are right - he is way too old for you. Look, some guys are a***holes and they just want to have their way with you - and him being 17 makes it easier for him to pressure you to do things you don't want to do. So just stop talking to him if possible and just show him you're not interested. Hopefully this helps :)
Jonathan Tracy Profile
Jonathan Tracy answered

4 years isnt that large a gap, for now date people your own age until you are say 20, if he still likes you by that time then you can go out with him. :)

Autumn  Rogers Profile
Autumn Rogers answered

Well I'm 14 and a 17 year old asked me out too and I also said no, not til I'm able to date. So if he loves you he'll wait till your 16 or 18 or whenever - till then just be friends.

Taylor Brookes Profile
Taylor Brookes answered

Until you are 18, dating him would be illegal (because even though 16 is the age of consent, he would be 21 by then, which is also illegal). I'm sure you're an amazing person (the fact that you said no to him proves how mature you are) but he is clearly very immature, and, honestly, kind of disgusting and pervy.

You have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about.

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