Felix, because IRON in chemistry is FE and 59 in Roman numerals is LIX.
If my father is mathematician and my mother is scientist and they gave me a nickname iron59 what is my real name?
Fe is the chemical symbol for iron
LIX is 59 in Roman Numerals.
Fe is the chemical symbol for iron
LIX is 59 in Roman Numerals.
Fe is Iron.
LIX is 59 in mathematics. So FELIX is the answer.
LIX is 59 in mathematics. So FELIX is the answer.
How do people figure this out..? Lol o_O
Your name is Felix
Felix....because the iron is Fe in chemistry and 59 is LIX in mathematics...
Ironman? LOL No.. I am going to guess and say Felicia.
Wouldn't it start with Fe BTW, your parents must be very hardcore at their jobs
Your real name is FELIX
Fe is the chemical symbol for Iron.
LIX is the Roman Numeral equivalent of 59
Fe is the chemical symbol for Iron.
LIX is the Roman Numeral equivalent of 59